admin on March 10th, 2019

Professor reveals aluminium in vaccines may cause sufferers to have up 10 times more of the metal in their brains than is safe Aluminium crosses the membrane that separates the brain from blood The metal accumulates in cells that maintain a constant internal environment Autism sufferers may have genetic changes that cause them to hold […]

Continue reading about we now have the link between vaccination and autism

Continue reading about Many deaths occur from the flu AFTER getting the flu shot

Continue reading about CDC study shows a 7.6-fold increased risk of autism from exposure to Thimerosal during infancy.

Children with anorexia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety and tic disorders were more likely to have had a recent vaccination, according to a new study based on a database of privately insured children’s medical claims.The pilot study, from Penn State and Yale University researchers, found that children with a new diagnosis of some neuropsychiatric disorders were […]

Continue reading about Vaccination Increases Risk of Childhood Disorders such as OCD, Anorexia and Tourettes

Continue reading about 65 times more deaths from the vaccine than the disease itself